सूरत पे तोरी नंदलाला ओ मैं वारी जाऊँ

अप्रैल 18, 2023 ・0 comments


सूरत पे तोरी नंदलाला ओ मैं वारी जाऊँ 

बिनरावन री कुंजगल्यों में राम रचावे घनश्याम 

जमना री तट पे प्रभू धेनु चरावे ग्वाल बाल और संग में रहेवे 

मुरली पे तोरी नंदलाला मैं 

डावां जो नख पें प्रभू गिरिधर धारयो इन्द्र का मान घटाए 

द्रौपदी सखी री प्रभू लज्जा जो राखी छन में यो चीर बढाय 

बाई 'मीराँ के प्रभू गिरिधर नागर हरख निरख गुन गाय 

This is a beautiful bhajan or devotional song in praise of Lord Krishna. The lyrics describe the singer's devotion to Lord Krishna and his divine qualities. The singer praises Lord Krishna for his charming appearance, his ability to create music through his flute (murli), and his care for his cows (dhenu). The song also mentions the story of Draupadi, who felt ashamed and covered herself with her sari when her dress was being pulled in the court, but Lord Krishna saved her by making her sari endless.

Overall, this bhajan is a wonderful expression of devotion to Lord Krishna and celebrates his many divine qualities.

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

हिन्दी की प्रसिद्ध कवितायें / रचनायें
Published on http://rachana.pundir.in

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